Agilient are specialists in emergency management. We have undertaken projects associated with the following precincts including a number of iconic sites: Emergency Management Victoria, Emergency Management Australia, Emergency Management NSW and Emergency Management Queensland.
Typically, these projects have two dimensions that we manage.
- Organisational or facility emergency management
- Precinct emergency management
Firstly, there is the organisational or facility dimension and how an organisation responds to
emergencies using an all hazards approach.
This involves Agilient providing Emergency Management Australia services associated with:
- The formation, purpose, responsibility and training of the organisation or facility emergency planning committee.
- Emergency identification.
- The development of an organisational or facility emergency plan.
- The development of organisational or facility emergency response procedures.
- The establishment, authority and training of an organisational or facility emergency control organisation.
- The testing and validation of organisation or facility emergency response procedures.
- Organisational or facility emergency related training.
- Integration of organisational or facility emergency arrangements with emergency services in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia as well as other states and territories.
Agilient bases its approach to organisational emergencies on ‘AS 3745-2010 Planning for emergencies in facilities’.
Secondly, there is a precinct approach. A precinct is a shared space where many separate organisations may operate.
Examples of precincts include Federation Square, Darling Harbour, Sydney Opera House etc. The goal here is to negotiate a shared vision between the range of organisations that constitute the precinct and often because it is a public space special consideration needs to be given for mass warning, evacuation and integration with official emergency services such as Police, Ambulance and the Fire Brigade.
Agilient helps the shared owners of precincts develop emergency plans with clear and well-defined control organisations, roles and responsibilities.
In summary Agilient provides emergency management services to precincts associated with:
- The formation, purpose, responsibility and training of the precinct emergency planning
committee. - Emergency identification.
- The development of a precinct emergency plan.
- The development of precinct emergency response procedures.
- The establishment, authority and training of a precinct emergency control organisation.
- The testing and validation of precinct emergency response procedures.
- Precinct emergency related training.
- Integration of precinct emergency arrangements with emergency services in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia and other states and territories.
- The provision of duress alarms.
- Public warning and address systems.
Agilient bases its approach to precinct emergencies on ‘AS 3745, Planning for emergencies in
We also apply the following standards
- ISO 22320, Societal security – Emergency management – Requirements for incident
response; - ISO 22325, provides guidelines for an organization in assessing its emergency management
capability; - ISO 22323, Organizational resilience management systems – Requirements with guidance for use;
- ISO 22325, Societal security – Guidelines for emergency capability assessment for
organizations; - ISO 22351, Societal security – Emergency management – Shared situation awareness;
- ISO 22397, Societal security – Public Private Partnership – Guidelines to set up partnership
agreements; and - ISO 22315, Societal security – Mass evacuation.