Cyber security measures help safeguard a business’s data, networks and systems from cyber threats such as malware, ransomware, phishing attacks and data breaches. These threats can cause significant financial and reputational damage to private and Government organisations.
A security breach can erode customer trust and damage your business’s reputation. Customers expect their data to be protected, and a violation may lead to customers seeking alternative, more secure options.
Cyber-attacks can disrupt normal business operations, leading to downtime and financial losses. Investing in cyber security ensures continuity and minimises the impact of potential attacks.
In March of this year, Sydney-based property business Meriton’s servers were breached by hackers. They accessed bank account information of past and present employees and contact information of guests who had stayed in their serviced apartments.
In a company of this size, you’d expect it to have robust security installed. Yet, it still failed. If it can happen to Meriton, it could happen to any business in Sydney or other cities in NSW.
That’s why you need Agilient.
Our Sydney-based cyber security consultants are highly experienced and regarded as the best at protecting your business from online threats.