Business Resilience Program

Agilient facilitates the implementation of Business Continuity and Resiliency services that are governed by an integrated policy and frameworks for security, business continuity management and incidents including emergency management and crisis management. Being poorly prepared for a disruption-related risk on your business can far outweigh the expense required to mitigate the risk. Consequences to organisations following a disruption-related risk could include injuries to employees, diminished revenues and disrupted operations and damage to a company’s brand and reputation.

Agilient’s holistic approach to risk mitigation ensures our client’s Business Resilience Programs (BRP) are dynamic – they continue to evolve to create stronger, better prepared and more resilient organisations, based on industry best practice and /or ISO Standards.

The four Phases of Agilient’s BRP focus on reducing the likelihood of crises occurring; maintaining organisational readiness to respond; minimizing the impact when crises do occur; and embracing continuous improvement.


Prepare & Prevent:

  • PROTECTIVE & CYBER SECURITY: Agilient has extensive experience with high-end security environments, e.g. defence, government and critical infrastructure.  We mitigate security risks through a strong governance framework that looks at an organisation as a whole. This governance framework is integrated into the broader enterprise risk management system and actively supports the overall achievement of organisational objectives.

    Agilient’s cybersecurity risk management service model is based on an innovative blend of recognised industry and ISO Standards.


  • CRISIS MANAGEMENT PLAN (CMP): Crisis Management is the identification of potential threats to an organisation and the development of strategies and methods to deal with them. Agilient’s thorough and innovative processes ensure that your organisation achieves the right balance between having the necessary processes and procedures in place to identify, plan for and recover from a crisis. Agilient assists in prioritising business critical functions to facilitate rapid response and recovery times, to minimise costs to your business and the promote the safety of your people.
  • BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLAN: (BCP): Agilient business continuity planning solutions help clients identify, prepare for and prevent events that may disrupt business activities. In an increasingly interconnected world, it is imperative to have appropriate contingency plans in place. We partner with clients to develop robust plans to ensure they recover efficiently and effectively to a disruption. Our holistic process includes business impact assessment, development and implementation, testing, maintenance and training. This ensures that clients are adequately prepared, respond and recover with agility to business disruptions. Agilent’s BCP model prioritises people safety, business critical functions, revenue and your reputation.
  • IT DISASTER RECOVERY PLAN (ITDRP): IT security is the ability to secure information systems. Essential components of an Agilient ITDRP include strategies and systems designed to prevent unauthorised access to your organisations digital assets and network devices and maintenance of confidentiality, integrity and availability for intended users of your IT critical functions. Our robust approach ensures that your ITDRP mitigates risks such as extended disruption or inability to deliver services that depend on systems, inability to recover systems and restore lost data, subsequent financial loss, reputational damage.
  • PANDEMIC MANAGEMENT PLAN (PMP): Although pandemics occur infrequently, being adequately prepared for an outbreak should be an essential component of every organisation’s risk management strategy. Agilient ensures that your pandemic related vulnerabilities are identified, addressed and tested. The Pandemic Management Plan is integrated with your Emergency Management, Crisis Management and Business Continuity Plan to provide confidence that you have an effective, enterprise-wide response plan in place whenever a pandemic or other crisis occurs.
  • EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PLAN (EMP): Typically, these projects involve organisational or facility emergency management and precinct emergency management. Agilient bases its EMP approach on ‘AS 3745, Planning for emergencies in facilities’ and has significant expertise in assisting shared owners of precincts develop emergency plans with clear and well-defined control processes, roles and responsibilities.
  • INCIDENT & CONTINUITY MANAGEMENT (ICM): Agilient takes a holistic approach to assisting clients in devising their ICM strategies, based on Australian and ISO Standards. The key features of our ICM process include Context, Leadership, Planning, Support, Operations, Evaluation and Improvement. Agilient assists management in defining each category and refining the ICM tailored to your specific needs. Our customised approach ensures maximum agility in preparing for and responding to incidents. This provides clients with confidence that that corrective actions arising from audits, reviews, exercises will be appropriately addressed and lessons learnt, which significantly diminishes the likelihood of specific incidents recurring.
  • RISK MANAGEMENT (RM): Agilent’s approach to enterprise risk management embraces all relevant business risks, such as accidental losses, financial, strategic and operational risks. We focus on Planning, Organising, Leading and Controlling activities and work with executive teams to minimise the adverse impacts of risk to our clients’ assets, earnings and people. Our RM processes ensure transparency, clarity of roles and responsibilities combined with effective communication processes to preserve your organisation’s reputation with optimal outcomes in the event of a crisis.


  • WORKPLACE RECOVERY PLAN (WRP): Workplace strategy plays a vital role in business resilience as people, place and technology are critical to resuming operations after a crisis. Agilient aligns your workplace recovery strategy with business continuity and resilience planning to minimise the disruption to your post crisis operations.
  • IT RESTORATION PLAN (ITRP): Organisations’ reliance on ICT and digital services is rapidly increasing while tolerance for downtime is simultaneously decreasing. Agilient’s Business Resilience model ensures alignment of organisations’ ITRP and BCP so that our clients are well prepared to minimise IT related disruptions to their business.

Review & Improve:

Agilient’s Risk Management model embraces continuous improvement so that your Standard Operating Procedures, Crisis Management and Business Continuity Plans are dynamic. Their ongoing evolution ensures that your organisation is always prepared to respond to a crisis at any time. Agilient recommends scheduled reviews, training and testing of your organisation’s Risk Management Plans to ensure you are aware of emerging risks and have best practice, fit-for purpose BCP and RM Plans in place so your employees are agile, trained and able to respond effectively whenever the next significant incident occurs.

Our innovative approach
  • Maximise agility in preparation and incident response processes
  • Increase clarity and confidence in individual roles and responsibilities
  • Minimise cost and internal change requirements to a reasonable level
  • Restrict program governance to the essentials only
Business resilience services
  • Prevention
  • Preparedness
  • Response and recovery-related capabilities
  • Business continuity management
  • Emergency management
  • Crisis management